
I am a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at St Hugh’s College, Oxford. In my work I hope to come to a deeper understanding of our nature as social animals and its significance for a variety of areas of philosophy. I completed my PhD at UCL in 2020 under the supervision of Professor Lucy O’Brien and Dr Douglas Lavin. I'm originally from Shotton Colliery, County Durham.


Interpersonal Connection (Forthcoming) Mind and Language
The Harm of Humiliation (Forthcoming) European Journal of Philosophy (Draft)
Ordinary Self-Consciousness as a Philosophical Problem (2022) European Journal of Philosophy , 30, 2. (Draft)
Making Sense of Shame (2022) Philosophy, 97, 2. (Draft)
When Eyes Touch (2021) Philosophers' Imprint, 21 , 9.

I'm also currently writing papers on amour-propre,second person thought, joint attention, and the role of 'Socrates' Question' in the moral philosophy of Bernard Williams. Drafts may be available to read, so if you're interested please don't hesitate to get in touch.



As Primary Instructor

Advanced Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science; Online MSc Module
Social Cognition; Third Year Undergraduate Module
Normative Theory; Third Year Undergraduate Module
Free Will and Moral Responsibility; Fourth Year Undergraduate Module
Consciousness, Agency, and the Self; MA & First Year PhD Module
Advanced Tutorials: Interpersonal Moral Psychology; Third Year Undergaduate Module

As Postgraduate Teaching Assistant

Introduction to Moral Philosophy; First Year Undergraduate Module
Nietzsche; Second Year Undergraduate Module
Philosophy of Mind; Second Year Undergraduate module
Doubt, Passion and Justice: Hume's Treatise of Human Nature; Third Year Undergraduate Module
Epistemology of Disagreement; Third Year Undergraduate Module

I also have experience of supervising both undergraduate and masters dissertations in ethics, moral psychology, and epistemology